As in Jonas world there is no crime,
no violence and no imperfection. Jonas live in a black and white world to not
have any difference with all the people, no racism no discrimination.In The
Giver chapter 9 Jonas is congratulated of his new job as Giver of Memories.
Jonas stat reviewing the rules of Giver of Memories. After reading the rules
Jonas was like terrify after the reading the rule #6 YOU MAY LIE, Jonas was
educated seems he was born with the teaching of do not lie. Jonas start asking
the question 'do youlie?And the question f "if everyone lie? In
chapter 10 as the new Recover of Memory Jonas go to his new training room, the
Annex. Jonas was surprise of of what surround him, it was so many books almost
like a library and he was very surprise. There was books of every type of rule.
Then he met his new couch the new couch f Jonas start training Jonas not not
fiscally, instead mentality. The new couch is going to transmit memories to
Jonas like what is a Runner, a sled and what is downhill. In the the chapter 11
the couch of Jonas said to Jonas when he ask "what is your name" he
said “call me The Giver". As he knew Giver Jonas need to learn
about, sunshine, things that are not more in his world. So The Giver put his
hands on his back and he transmit the memory of snowboarding. After that
memories Jonas never have experience something fun like that. In the 12 chapter
page 88 Jonas see something weird in Fiona’s hair, the same that happened with
the apple. Joan’s tell this to The Giver and The Giver thinks an answer to what
is happening and he make a test to Jonas. The giver said "look up there in
the bookshelf".
Jonas obey and he sees the same that happened with Fiona’s hair and With the
apple. Then the Giver get to the conclusion that Jonas is stat seeing RED. That
same experience happened to The Giver when he was a child because his world is
black and white.
Camilo, I found you blog very interesting and creative. What do you think will happen when Jonas receives all the memories about pain in the world, do you think he will pass it to the next Receiver or as The Giver said, he has more advance wisdom than he had, do you think Jonas will have the power to make a change in the community?