Tuesday, March 31, 2015

                                                                  Mouse trap

            In the short story "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl is the story of a 17 years old guy named Billy that have just arrived to a town named Bath. Billy was in a business job and he needed to stay in a fairly cheap hotel to stay the night. He ask the porter if he knew were is a fairly cheap hotel and the porter  recommended him "The Bell and Dragon" Billy was on his way to hotel were in the way he found a Bed and Breakfast the name bead and breakfast cought his attention and he could´t think another think, he could only think bead and breakfast he repeat that word several times and ay the moment he knew he was ringing the bell few second a very nice woman appear, he welcome billy and at the moment the landlady tell him the price billy was decode to stay there. The landlady show him hio room at tye 3rd floor. The land lady said t Billy to sing the gust book , when billy take the pen and sng the guest book he found two names Christopher Mulholland 
231 Cathedral Road, Cardiff Gregory W. Temple 
27 Sycamore Drive, Bristol Billy was sure he haved reasd those names in somewhere, he dident remember he saw them in the TV in th new or somewere else, then Billy was sure he saw their names in the newspaper but he didnt remember the topic. The landlady offer Billy a cup of tea and billy accept. After few moments he found what it seems to be a dog. It was a dog but it was dead and very well preserved, the land lady said that she alone make the preservation of the dog. The landlady said that Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple were actualy in there in the 2 floor. Then Nilly remember the why the names were in the newspaper and when he realized that the land lady wanted to kill him he fall a sleep for cause of the tea.

            characterization make the person's personality get real inside your head like in this example.

This affirm to us that the landlady was a nice woman, it shows that it was a kind and a sweet woman, a kind of woman that anyone would suspech.

Every store have a purpose a message that teach us the importance of life and teach us things that are usfull life. What Roald Dahl is trying to transmit to us is that appearances are sometimes not what they look like  the landlady. This story is very well design stories that make us fell be in the story. .

Friday, January 9, 2015

   Jonas life is geting a meaning, no one in the community can help him beside The Giver, memories that no one have, games that have a horrible meaning. Jonas is no longer taking the pills that prevented having stiring, and love. Jonas love to Fionna started again, and his dreams are geting back. In Jonas community was deckaret a holiday in wich no one will go to works and no one ill go to school. Jonas rake gis bike and he go to look for Asher and Fiona. Jonas go to fields and a sound that terrify Jonas bacame, Psssheewww!” after that sound came a sound “Pow! Pow! Pow!” Jonas was in the middle of field and the kids were playong a game without knowing his meaning. They were playing war. Jonas memorie of war comes and Jonas was trying to not cry.

When Jonas went to the Annex room and Jonas make a question that change hus view in the community. This happend when Jonas ask The Giver if he can apply for realising and The Giver said that Recivers of memory couldnt apply for realeas becuas eof a event 10 ago. His name has Rosemary same age of Jonas with the same courage he had she wanted to train more and have more memories. Until one day when he get painfull memories, tpspecially the memorie of war. Rosemary was terrify and she dident wanted to stop because that was what she was assing to do it was what she needed to do. After she reciver those memories she kiss The Giver in his cheek a d the next day she apply to realease. Then all the memories went back to all the people.

Jonas ask a question that make all the problems to the climax. Jonas was confuse of what realisng was so he ask The Giver and what they are goung to do with the twin that is goung to be realeas. The Giver ask the secretary to put the video of the rewlese ghey had this moring. Jonas saw his dad with
the two twins and he see how the balance ach other to see who weights less. Jonas saw something that change his life. He saw hid father whith something in his hands like a injection. He put it on the baby, after a moment the baby stop crying and he was like sleeping. Jonas impnmediatly know what it keans. He get desesperate becuase he knew he was dead, he was dead by his father. Thus event makes the whole story to the big climax.

 Jonas stay that night with The Giver. The next day Jonas planed somthing that no one will expected. He planned to scape from the community. Tha plan wil start when his mom see a kte on his bed saying that he is on he river and that he willl be on the ceremny on tie. Hi mom woould not wait for him and she will not see Jonas in the ceremony because in that time he would be escaping. The Giver wpuldnt go with onas beasue his life is there and because he want to be with his doughter, Rosemary

Monday, December 15, 2014

                                            THE GIVER 9-12

As in Jonas world there is no crime, no violence and no imperfection. Jonas live in a black and white world to not have any difference with all the people, no racism no discrimination.In The Giver chapter 9 Jonas is congratulated of his new job as Giver of Memories. Jonas stat reviewing the rules of Giver of Memories. After reading the rules Jonas was like terrify after the reading the rule #6 YOU MAY LIE, Jonas was educated seems he was born with the teaching of do not lie. Jonas start asking the question 'do youlie?And the question f "if everyone lie? In chapter 10 as the new Recover of Memory Jonas go to his new training room, the Annex. Jonas was surprise of of what surround him, it was so many books almost like a library and he was very surprise. There was books of every type of rule. Then he met his new couch the new couch f Jonas start training Jonas not not fiscally, instead mentality. The new couch is going to transmit memories to Jonas like what is a Runner, a sled and what is downhill. In the the chapter 11 the couch of Jonas said to Jonas when he ask "what is your name" he said “call me The Giver".  As he knew Giver Jonas need to learn about, sunshine, things that are not more in his world. So The Giver put his hands on his back and he transmit the memory of snowboarding. After that memories Jonas never have experience something fun like that. In the 12 chapter page 88 Jonas see something weird in Fiona’s hair, the same that happened with the apple. Joan’s tell this to The Giver and The Giver thinks an answer to what is happening and he make a test to Jonas. The giver said "look up there in the bookshelf". Jonas obey and he sees the same that happened with Fiona’s hair and With the apple. Then the Giver get to the conclusion that Jonas is stat seeing RED. That same experience happened to The Giver when he was a child because his world is black and white. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The giver 6-8

                                                          THE GIVER 5-8


    In The Giver the last past chapters they were very good moments and very interesting chapters. In chapter 5 Jonas have a strings because he dream that he was in the House of Old only Fiona and Jonas. Jonas dream he was wash Fiona's body at the bath. Then Jonas tell to his mom about his dream and his mom tell hat that those were normal at his age, his mom give him some pills to prevent it happens again. In chapter 6 the ceremony start, it start with the youngest ones, when it was the turn of Lily he has exited of her new bicycle and the older kids think that they can’t ride bicycles but they know because of his oldest brothers. The ceremony continues and till the ten ones. On chapter 7 it was the ceremony of twelve in which they assign you a job. People was passing and they call the kids by his number and not by here names. When it was getting closer to Jonas turn they were going to call Jonas, and Jonas was the 19 then Jonas was prepare to get up, but they skipped Jonas, Jonas didn’t know what is happening he think he made something wrong. In chapter 8 the audience also think it was a mistake because they skip Jonas. It was not an error because Jonas was not assign, he was selected. Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of Memory. Jonas have the skills a Receiver need, he have intelligence, integrity, courage, he was wisdom and finally he have something other don’t have, he have the capacity to see beyond a skill a Giver need to have, it was the honors job in the community. Jonas was not happy with his new job because it implies that he will be a part of the community, something Jonas didn’t want to.


Monday, December 1, 2014

                                                     Book Review


       In the last past week reading this book, this book have many intriguing scenes that make me read more. In the first chapter it talk about how the life is in this community,. It said how important December was for the kids who are going to have twelve. An Intriguing part of the first chapter is at the beginning of the book when some pilots arrive and send everyone home, that part have some suspechus part. In general this chapter was very interesting and important because it explain how it was in that community. In the second paragraph it talk about how father is with baby Gabriel and it also talk about when his sister Lily went to the ceremony of nine . In the third paragraph Jonas see something strange with an apple that he can describe and it talk specially talk about baby Gabriel and when they deliver baby Gabriel at his house. Intriguing part of this chapter is was baby Gabriel’s eyes, only one person has her eyes and it is Jonas, Only Gabriel and Jonas have the same type of eyes color blue. On the fourth paragraph it narrate when Jonas goes to the House of olds. He went to the House of Olds with Asher and Fiona. In the House of Olds they wash the old people with the purpose of assigning a job to Jonas and the rest. In the fifth paragraph it talk about Jonas stirrings and his dream with Fiona, in that dream he imagine him and Fiona at the House of Old washing Fiona’s body. Then Jonas tell his dream to his mom and she said that it is normal and his gave him some pills to stop having those dreams.

         In this book there is something that is confusing me about all this book. What make me confuse is his jobs and his rules. What make me confuse of the rules is Why do they want a perfect world? If they want a perfect world why do they release important people that benefited the community like Roberto, he was a very important person in the community and they release him. Another thing that makes me confuse is to who this rules benefit and why people cant choose their job. It they want a perfect life they need to let choose people, to let mpeople choose their own way, why do they want a perfect world if they don’t let people be free, With so many rules they make unfree the people.

      This book make me think about the people’s way to live. After reading this book it makes me connect with so many thing like The Truman Show, Divergent, Hunger Games and so many other movies. All this movie have in common with the no freedom of the people like choosing their job and make things people don’t want. My best example is Divergent because and that movie people is divided in social classes that connect with the part when Lily’s mother said that the job affect your reputation. And this movie also people have a ceremony of when they are going to choose their job. This is a very interesting book I am reading. I am very happy reading this book